Showing posts with label i heART this. Show all posts
Showing posts with label i heART this. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

my quotes #part 2

 venus aretha / noni 
it's funny how once you become smart enough to leave, they become stupid enough to think that you'll stay. no matter how they treat you.
 venus aretha / noni 
it's funny how people only realize what I've done to them after I stop doing it.
 venus aretha / noni 
it's funny how people want you back and work for it right after you don't want them anymore.
 venus aretha / noni 
Some girls are stupid, if some chick is flirting with ur man and he's flirting back with her you should be pissed off at him, not the girl.

Monday, 3 October 2011

you (:

snowman drawing pen 0.1 dan 0.5, faber castell watercolor pen 36 colors
artwork ini dibuat tanpa pensil. dan jujur aja mengandung 4 kesalahan yang diperbaiki dengan maksa -__-
yang niat, silakan dicari :p

inspirasi awal:

sesuatu yang iseng, tapi hasilnya lumayan hehe.

you turn my life upside down, in good way.
somehow, simply talking to you can boost my mood instantly.
you, bring colors to my life.
yet you keep me still pure.

i, well.. love is a big word,
instead, can i say..
i white you?

#nowplaying A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
..setelah dipikir-pikir lagi, saya sendiri nggak yakin ini bener bener saya tujuin buat seseorang atau nggak. 

OIYAAA maaf lagi karena ini bukan yang versi scan hehe, pertama untuk menghindari plagiarism, kedua.. yah, sama kaya alesan kemarin. scanner saya lagi ngambek -.-" dan SLR saya di indo.
udah. end of story.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

sesuatu :)

udah berbulan bulan pensiun gambar ini itu, sekarang tangannya nggak seluwes dulu :(
jadi sebenernya tadi lagi butuh media buat ngasah skill bikin patterns (motif) jadi yaa, kepikir nulis KancutKeblenger(s). kalo di zoom bakal keliatan tiap motif di tiap area beda-beda :D

semua digambar pake tangan menggunakan snowman drawing pen 0.1 dan 0.5, lalu terpaksa difoto karena scanner saya error huhu, mana pake kamera digital lagi gara2 SLR di indo --" maaf yaa kualitasnya .__.

anyway, this is dedicated to all KK members.
you guys, are something <3

Saturday, 23 July 2011


seperti beberapa cewek pada umumnya, saya juga suka menulis kisah cinta remaja..
oke, sampe sini aja jijay banget ga sih bahasa gue -,- fine, gue mulai nulis cerpen waktu gue kelas 4 sd. yep, taun 2004. pernah nulis alay? pernah. pernah nulis sinteron mode: on? pernah. pernah nulis yang eyd nya ngawur sana sini dan bikin nggak enak dibaca? pernah juga.
terus SMP pertengahan lah, zaman seorang anak abg mulai sok gaul dan menghina-dinakan para alayers, saya ngebaca novel-novel lama saya dan sukses pingsan. ohmydear, itu asli alay tingkat dewa. akhirnya saya pensiun menulis cerita-cerita romantisme kaya gitu sekitar setahun dan beralih ke puisi (seenggaknya kalo di puisi kan boleh dramatis, ya nggak? *wink wink*)
baru waktu peralihan ke SMA saya mulai nyoba nulis novel lagi, salah satunya novel ini yang tidak selesai dan tidak akan pernah selesai :3 untuk orang itu, God bless you, brother! hahaha

lalu ini salah satu karya yang belum selesai juga, karena saya sekarang lebih banyak nulis dalam bahasa inggris tapi saya bertekad mau nyelesein ini karena endingnya udah di otak. yang mungkin tertarik baca, silahkan..

(iya, judulnya 'A'. keberatan? :p)

dan untuk yang satu ini, termasuk salah satu karya 'terniat' saya yang direncanakan untuk menjadi 9 bab. bab 8 dan 9 selalu menciptakan kontroversial di kalangan temen-temen yang nggak terima sama endingnya, jadilah bab 8-9 bolong sana-sini. yang mau baca monggo, and let me know what you think, okay? ;)

The Heartbreakers

dimohon dengan sangat untuk tidak mengcopy dan mempaste sembarangan, copyright terlindungi (dengan doa dan amal perbuatan)

happy reading! :)

kalo udah capek baca mending segerin mata dulu pake yang artistik-artistik disini (warning: karya masih agak newbie haha)

..and guys, this is.. :')

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

birthday gift idea for a special girl?

this is actually one of my 'artwork' that i'm proud so much. this is dira's 17th birthday present <3 ..great party btw :D
she's girly, fashionable, dramatic, expressive, and yes.. she's one of my favorite friend on earth :*

so at first i was going to give her dress, but then it's just gonna be common 'cause i'm sure there's other who will give her dress, so i 'squeeze' my brain a lil bit and start thinking.
so here it is!
broken white lace belt *victorian style* + pearly lacey necklace + queen chain necklace + red and gold nail polish + just some touch of hershey's kisses chocolate almond :3

you can change it into a small box with colorful candies, ring, some hair clips and cute keychain, or earring probably?
or maybe teddy bear with a pocket of marshmallows in his hand..
you also can replace the pretty stuff and make it more casual with rainbow stripes socks, small notebooks, with a small (or giant, your choice) lollipop..

hey, all those included sweets, why?
because, daahling, this is sweet seventeen! well, you still can do it for sweet sixteen, eighteen, twenty, whatever. and second, it's nice to get something to eat when you open lots of gifts from other people, that's what makes you different isn't it?

hope this inspire you, something special doesnt have to always be expensive, isnt it? :)

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

#2 gradation and vribal

i did this with amery and friends, and pleaaaase anybody can tell me where i can get this kind of chalk? umm, it's kind of mix between chalk and crayon. and kind of powdery also. anybody?

10th grade school project. though it's a bit messy but i love it so much! and now Al Hikmah keeps it -,-

in the middle of my boredom. err, it's supposed to be nebula, actually. but if you search nebula in google, this will be just.. almost nothing hahahha

HERE WE GOOOO, my favorite and definitely my specialty. hahaha, i called it vribal *venus's tribal* :p i draw this eeeverywhere when i got bored or got nothing to do. want some proof? take a look at my lesson book hihihi

so, this is actually one of my 'serious' project. actually i did this because at first i came to singapore, all students in the class seem awesome and has talent. i feel kind of, challenged, you know? so, here's all the artworks on march 2011 hehe. and for you who's asking, yes the black thingy is mine too. you just need colorful crayon + 1 black crayon + paper + needle/ cutter/ iron ruler *last is my favorite actually. if lots of you wanna know how to do it, (leave comment/ message/ ym me) i'll make a post about it later hehe.

i hope i wont get bored about these thingies too easily, 'cause i do love making em! :3

aaaand.. this is my 77th post! yay :*

#1 clay

sorry sorry sorry for the bad quality of the picture, i took it from my phone though. a year ago.

okay, this earth is kinda failed hahhaha

the smallest rose clay i ever made :3
and actually these are my first trial, quite messy -,-

getting better here :D

V for Venus!

umm, this is actually my first first trial hehe

second one

third one

well, this is actually inspired by a couple. too bad they're already broke up now.

but i've told you before i'm a moody and easily gettin bored person.. so, yeah, this hobby aint last long. i wanna try with marzipan and chocolate though, and decorate my cupcake with em. maybe someday, soon i hope lol :P

Sunday, 10 July 2011

#nowplaying A Year Without Rain - Selena Gomez (cover)
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