i'm in love with this blogging thingy! hahaha omy i started this blog on march 2011 dan rasanya seneng banget liat stats yang nambahnya tiap hari makin 'wow'-ing (oke, saya amatir disini, entah ya kalo ada yang blognya diview sampe ribuan ato puluh ribuan perhari, saya yg penting readers saya enjoy reading it aja udah seneng kok hihi) dan, saya nggak pernah ngeh sama followers thingies sampe ngeliat temen temen yang followersnya udah puluhan gitu. ngeliatnya kagum tapi jujur saya nggak terlalu berambisi buat dapet follower yang segitu banyaknya hahaha ya sadar dirilah blog baru, bukan anak eksis juga :p
jujur saya udah buat blog hampir sepuluh kali :)) blog pertama saya, lupa url nya apa dan passnya apa juga, isinya cuma sapaan nggakpenting plus agak norak juga sih hahahaha itu waktu sd, lalu smp saya buat venus**.blogspot.com yang astaga, alaynya mampus. lalu berlanjut ke 3-4 blog lain yang berakhir dengan tidak terurus dan lupa password *sigh* terakhir ada thestarisblack.blogspot.com yang masuk taraf lumayan. ada juga multiply, wordpress, livejournal, tumblr, semua berakhir dengan tidak terurus. maaf :|
eh saya mau menunjukkan sesuatu hehe ^^
oh dear I can't help it, i mean, seeee? please nobody just view my profile anymore, let this stay this beautiful way :') *unless you wanna make it until 7777 then go ahead :D
okay, so, i know more people, with their ah-may-zing blogs. people who can write such wonderful stories, or make their blahs a lot more interesting, also people who has gifted hands to make art thingies (okay, for you who wait, i'll post it right after this post xD)
for those who asks for exchanging link, umm, i dont know when i'll start making my blogroll though hehe, but deep deep thanks for you who mentioned me in your superb blogs :3
and ya, i kinda have lots of things in my drafts though, honestly, i have much more in my drafts than what i have published. i've wrote a lot, fiction stories, pictures, my theories, hangouts, and stuff. i just.. some of them i havent completed yet because i just suddenly stuck and lack of idea, the other, i'm still looking for the right time.
also, for you guys who already a 12th grader, your journey starts now dahling ;)
stop procrastinating, stop lazying around, and start think about your future, your dream university..
and baby, prove me you can reach it, cause i know you will :)
last, just again :p
<3 !!!
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