so, yeah. it's been awhile, isn't it?
hehe, sorry for not posting for a loong long time. the past two months have been hectic. full of tears, anger, frustration, wtfs.. what can i say? overloaded assignment, tough exams, personal problems, projects, and few.. surprises.
ah anyway, saya mau melanjutkan post ini :)
umm, banyak yang mau nanya cerita lengkap, dan jawaban lengkap dari pertanyaan 'ada-apa-kok-tiba-tiba-?' dan beberapa 'hah-kok-bisa-?' atau 'wait-wut-??' lain.
yak mari kita mulai.
mungkin ini informasi basic ya, dan banyak reader yang udah tau (duileh kaya gue blogger beken aja) tapi saya adalah anak Indonesia asli kelahiran tahun sembilan empat yang kebetulan kuliah di Singapore. to be exact, i'm currently doing my advanced diploma of media and mass communication MDIS. and to clarify this post, i'm not fully 'nyasar'. I do love journalism, advertising, tv and radio production and definitely learning about human mass comm and social behavior. how to talk to different kind of people, to understand and persuade them. I mean, I do learn a lot. I met lots of awesome and inspiring people and I enjoy studying almost all of those.
setidaknya nasib saya masih lebih baik ya daripada mas-mas blogger yang lebih ngenes dari saya seperti Jazzy dan Bang Adit/ Jojon/ Yulian :9
but still..
i do love art, i really do.
every aspect, every kind, i keep learning it. some of my oil paintings were still in my prev school T_T but I've drawn Canna flowers, storm and sunset. i love handicraft, scrapbook and cake decorating as well :3
my unfinished henna painting on my cousin's feet
some random shit i did when i was bored
one of my first attempt doing this kind of batik-ish letter
kinda improved :D
( you can see my other artworks HERE )
Singapur adalah tempat paling strict soal peraturan. setiap pelanggaran ada dendanya. soal hal-hal menyangkut kebersihan kaya permen karet dan vandalisme? behh.. jangan harap.
this is what i did.
yeap. i doodled there. not one line, not one small drawings.
i doodled on the whole table in lecture theatre. and tweeted that.
got caught in the next day.
and charged for damn $200 bucks for that freakin small table.
not enough? the head of school, mr Vinod wants to see me.
"I'm so dead."
or am I? :3
"I'll give you an additional punishment. what about that big wall?"
and that, my friend, is my first mural ever. recorded. the video is coming soon :)
check this out for more: INSPIRE - some spoilers, click HERE
bagus sekali kak doodlenya, rapi & padat >< *halah bahasanyaaa*
Sebenernya mau nge-'like' cuman gak ada. Bagus banget non m
salam gan ...
menghadiahkan Pujian kepada orang di sekitar adalah awal investasi Kebahagiaan Anda...
di tunggu kunjungan balik.nya gan !
itu venus tangannya dari apaan sih ya ?
toge apa itu lanjutannya? :))
event blogger: review tempat makan favorit, berhadiah Galaxy pocket dan voucher2 lho!
Belum di updte lagi ya blognya ._.
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