Sunday, 11 March 2012


..or freedom, in english.

i gotta say life is wonderful, love is wonderful.
family, friends, guys, all are wonderful.
and relationship? are wonderful as well.

but once we create that bond, -or someone created that for us and we can't say no- and commit ourselves to whatever or whoever it is, we have to -much or less- sacrifice this one.

one does not simply live by their own, aren't they? *heck yes, i'm a 9gagger.
however, being far from your family and old friends, also being single, aint all pathetic. trust me.

you'll have the chance to breath.
you'll have the chance to think.
you'll have the chance to learn new things.
you'll have the chance to plan.
you'll have the chance to create.
and most importantly,
you'll have the chance to miss everything you were missing out.



Zazuli said...

Ya, single itu menyenangkan. Tapi sayangnya Cupid ga pernah senang ngeliat kita bebas tanpa jatuh cinta dan ga kangenin siapa-siapa.

Dia dengan seenaknya buat kita jatuh cinta ke seseorang disaat kita lagi pengen sendiri. Pengen bebas.

Menurut gue, jadi single itu tantangan. Tantangan untuk bertahan dalam kebebasan, tanpa merasa kesepian.

gue OOT ga sih?

*dafuq did i just wrote ._.

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